Direct Mail / B2B
Impossible to ignore!
ARGO found that if they could entice a company to test drive an ARGO, the chances of them purchasing grew exponentially.
This “Locked box” direct mail package was designed to lead targeted people to a personalized microsite. Once the recipient logged in to get their unlock code, an Argo rep was notified and would follow up in a timely manner.
Finally, there was a brochure and USB stick inside letting them know about ARGO and how to book their test drive to get a free PENTAX camera.
These boxes were for large potential customers, such as mining or utility companies with crews needing to travel through rugged terrain. ARGO found that the intrigue of these high budget boxes was worth the expense.
There are times we must think “inside the box” to stand out in a world of digital advertising.
Creative Design & Marketing
Available upon request.